Artwork Service
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Please send your document as a PDF file. Prices are per single file.

Please save your PDF to the correct size, if trimming is required please add bleed and crop marks or choose file assist.

MULTIPLE IMAGES : You will get one A3 image out of a SRA3, two A4's, four A5's and six DL size

FILE ASSIST: If you require us to impose and add crop and bleeds

If unsure we are just a phone call away 01724 856915

Please provide all files as PDF files and include bleed and crop marks.

You will get 1 A3 out of a SRA3, 2 A4's and 4 A5's

If unsure please refer to our Artwork Guide

More Prices

Click a price below to add an item, based on your chosen printing options above, to the basket.

100gm 130gm Gloss 130gm Silk 250gm Gloss 250gm Silk
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